Masjid Bilal is an integral part of the community. It serves communities in Manningham, Girlington, and the surrounding areas. Along with holding the five daily prayers, the Mosque has many other facilities. We have funeral prayers, bereavement services (Dua / Taaziyat) for both men and women, funeral care cover. We also conduct a Nikah Service with available help and guidance on any issues. We also hold small events i.e. Khatam, and various small receptions. There is an adult class for higher education and or re-learning basics, and Madrassah for boys and girls in the evening
I am proud to share the fact that we are a diverse community serving people from various backgrounds and cultures. We have a warm and welcoming environment that helps those attending the Mosque feel comfortable and secure. This helps build trust and unity in the wider-community.
We provide many services, guidance, and support at Masjid Bilal in the light of Sharia. Some of the regular and popular services are Nikah, Funeral Cover, Janaza, Taaziyat facilities for both men and women. Please do come and visit us and talk to our Imams or committee who are here to help. You can check out more on our services here
The beloved Messenger of Allah said: “Marriage is part of my Sunnah. [Ibn Ma’jah]
We have qualified Imams who are Aalim / Scholars and can provide guidance and officiate your Nikah in accordance with the Sunnah.
We perform Janaza at the Masjid and have facilities for Taaziyat to accommodate both men and women. This is convenient as both can be facilitated at one location where we have a designated car park.
We have a Muslim Funeral Care Service / Committee which is open to everyone regardless of background or heritage. This is not insurance but an agreement to cover funeral costs of members. Terms apply.
The Masjid is run on your generous donations which includes bills and other costs for upkeep. We also have projects from time to time which are available to see.
The beloved Messenger of The Allah said: “Charity never decreases wealth. Rather, it increases it, it increases it, it increases it.” [Muslim]